A Guide on How to Prevent Hair Loss
Men and women often feel anxious just thinking about going bald or losing their hair. The condition of losing hair from one area of the body, typically the head, is referred to as hair loss, which is also known as alopecia. This is a guide to reducing the likelihood of hair loss and preventing it.
What exactly causes hair loss?
Prior to attempting to forestall alopecia, it's important to understand what causes the condition.
Folliculitis, Tinea Captiis (a fungal infection), secondary syphilis, and a microscopic mite known as Demodex folliculorum, which feeds on essential hair nutrients and causes thinning, are all possible causes of alopecia.
Several medications have been linked to temporary or permanent hair loss by medical researchers. Hair loss has been linked to medications for heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Additionally, medications that disrupt the body's hormonal balance frequently result in severe alopecia. Steroids, hormone replacement therapy, and acne medications are all hormone-altering medications.
During pregnancy, there is an expansion in coursing estrogen. The hair thickens as a result of this increase in estrogen. The normal levels of estrogen in the blood return after delivery, resulting in hair loss.
Male pattern alopecia has been linked to genetics, and treatment is not necessary because hair typically grows back normally.
Alopecia can result from any type of trauma.
Hair loss can be brought on by traumatic experiences like childbirth, major surgery, poisoning, and a lot of stress. Telogen effluvium is the name given to this condition. Trichotillomania, a form of hair loss, is caused by compulsive hair pulling and bending, which is another form of trauma.
Head radiotherapy is used to treat some types of cancer. Permanent hair loss and baldness may result from this radiation.
Alopecia and thinning are common signs of aging because the body loses its natural capacity for replenishment.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9984679